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Ballpark is the fastest way to capture high-quality feedback on questions, marketing copy, designs and prototypes using task driven questions.

Product feedback
Van Westendorp’s price sensitivity survey or meter asks people at which price they would deem the product to be too expensive, too cheap, nearing expensive, and a bargain. This approach is better than 'price laddering', a survey that tends to present itself as more of a negotiation, causing users to show bias towards cheaper pricing.
Our price sensitivity survey template, which takes the Van Westendorp approach, asks the following 4 questions (in this specific order, to prevent the aforementioned bias):
At what price would you consider the product to be so expensive that you wouldn’t consider buying it?
At what price would you consider the product to be so cheap that the quality might not be good?
At what price would you consider the product is starting to get expensive and you would have to think before buying it?
At what price would you consider the product to be a bargain?
3 great ways to use our price sensitivity survey template
Discover how to price a new product
Discover how to adjust the pricing of an existing product to remain competitive in the market
Discover whether a product, feature or idea is financial viable
Need help?
Price sensitivity survey FAQs