
Faster, more inclusive research for every team.

Ballpark is the easiest way to understand how your customers really feel. Ask questions, create interactive tasks and record responses by text, audio or video. All powered by real-time insights.


Faster, more inclusive research for every team.

Ballpark is the easiest way to understand how your customers really feel. Ask questions, create interactive tasks and record responses by text, audio or video. All powered by real-time insights.


Faster, more inclusive research for every team.

Ballpark is the easiest way to understand how your customers really feel. Ask questions, create interactive tasks and record responses by text, audio or video. All powered by real-time insights.


Faster, more inclusive research for every team.

Ballpark is the easiest way to understand how your customers really feel. Ask questions, create interactive tasks and record responses by text, audio or video. All powered by real-time insights.

Create any type of survey

Whether you’re conducting market research, gathering customer feedback or seeking employee opinions, Ballpark provides an extensive array of question formats, including open and closed questions, multiple-choice and rating scale.

Create any type of survey
Create any type of survey
Supercharge surveys and tests with video recording





Supercharge surveys and tests with video recording

Once you enable video and audio recording in Ballpark, you'll be able to watch and listen to your participants interactions with your website, prototypes or just sharing their thoughts out loud.

Test any website. No installs required.

All you need is the link to your website to set up a test in Ballpark. Add your task and you're ready to go.

Whether you are testing your marketing website, web app or competitor, you can get quick and relevant feedback without plugins or installing javascript snippets.

Test any website. No installs required.
Real-time summaries, design metrics and more


5 / 20


Please pick your favourite logo

Show all responses

v4 - Blue


19 participants

v1 - Yellow


13 participants

v2 - Red


5 participants

Real-time summaries, design metrics and more

Our summary view gives you quick access to aggregated data from your results which you can also share with your team.

If you’re testing prototypes or designs, you’ll also be able to view heatmaps, metrics and bounce rates, task responses and much more.

Test Figma prototypes and get rich insights

Ballpark fits right into your design workflow with a deep integration with Figma that allows you to get insights before jumping to code.

We don’t just display your prototype, but track every click, goal conversion and much more. Our paths view makes understanding the issues with your designs a breeze.

Test Figma prototypes and get rich insights
Ask participants to pick their favourite copy


3 / 5


Which tagline to you prefer the most?

Which one of these headlines on the website would make you more likely to sign up?

Ballpark is a faster way to certainty

Ballpark is the fastest way to capture high-quality feedback on questions, marketing, copy, designs and Figma prototypes using tasks and video.

Product research so simple, you’ll never skip it again

Ballpark allows you to research everything, including prototypes, copy, brand assets and muc more, using questions, tasks and video.

Ask participants to pick their favourite copy

Once you're happy with your ideas, launch your test and present your choices to participants.

You can even set your copy choices to be randomised or require single or multiple selection.

Add unlimited team members for free

Our mission is to democratise research and make it accessible for everyone in your business.

That’s why Ballpark comes with unlimited team members for free on every plan so that you can invite anyone in your business, from the executive team to product and marketing.

Add unlimited team members for free
Find the right audience with over 200+ targeting options

Recruit from 98,000 participants


United States

Streaming services




Household income

$40,000 - $60,000

$70,000 - $90,000


Find the right audience with over 200+ targeting options

Our huge list of targeting options makes it easy to find participants relevant to your research.

That includes employment status, industry, pets, health, hobbies and even experiences with streaming and food delivery services.

"When I was searching for a survey tool, I extensively researched numerous options. Out of all the choices available, Ballpark emerged as the obvious winner. It is incredibly user-friendly and visually appealing which makes the job of creating surveys a joy."

Paul Davis

Head of User Experience at Glean

"When I was searching for a survey tool, I extensively researched numerous options. Out of all the choices available, Ballpark emerged as the obvious winner. It is incredibly user-friendly and visually appealing which makes the job of creating surveys a joy."

Paul Davis

Head of User Experience at Glean


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template