Concept testing

Test ideas before going to market

Concept testing enables your team to move quickly between idea, design and development by capturing customer insights that can be implemented rapidly in the next iteration.

Concept testing

Test ideas before going to market

Concept testing enables your team to move quickly between idea, design and development by capturing customer insights that can be implemented rapidly in the next iteration.

Concept testing

Test ideas before going to market

Concept testing enables your team to move quickly between idea, design and development by capturing customer insights that can be implemented rapidly in the next iteration.

Concept testing

Test ideas before going to market

Concept testing enables your team to move quickly between idea, design and development by capturing customer insights that can be implemented rapidly in the next iteration.

Capture feedback on design and marketing concepts

In the thrilling early phase of product development, velocity and agility are key. Your team needs to zip through decisions with confidence.

Ballpark gives you the ability to gather survey, video or audio feedback on your concept. Watch as your users engage, share their thoughts, and illuminate your design journey.

Capture feedback on design and marketing concepts
Extract deep insights from Figma prototypes

Extract deep insights from Figma prototypes

Once you've progressed from testing low-fidelity ideas and designs, you're ready to move to high-fidelity.

Whether you're validating product prototypes or marketing landing pages, Ballpark helps you get indepth feedback on whatever is in your Figma file.

Test copy, logos, landing pages, ads and more

Ballpark acts like your research swiss army knife and supports testing everything from copy, designs, prototypes, live websites and more.

Follow up each- test with survey questions to get a deeper understanding of how your audience feels.

Test copy, logos, landing pages, ads and more
Easily see which concept is the winner

Easily see which concept is the winner

Your summary page is a hub for your study performance metrics and insights.

It gives you real-time updates on every question and task so you can make decisions on concepts and iterate quickly.

Get backing from stakeholders at every stage

Bring your stakeholders along for the ride.

Ballpark comes with unlimited users for free, so you can engage stakeholders by providing access to results, insights and any audio or video feedback collected.

Get backing from stakeholders at every stage


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template


Start with a survey template