
A/B testing calculator

Are your results statistically significant? Calculate statistical significance with our calculator.


A/B testing calculator

Are your results statistically significant? Calculate statistical significance with our calculator.

Calculate your statistical significance






Significant result!

Variant B's conversion rate (1.14%) was 14.00% higher than variant A's conversion rate (1.00%). You can be 90% confident that variant B will perform better than variant A.



p value



A two-sided test considers the possibility that your variant might negatively affect your result.

A two-sided test considers the possibility that your variant might negatively affect your result.


The degree of certainty that your results are not influenced by random chance.

The degree of certainty that your results are not influenced by random chance.

Understanding Statistical Significance in A/B Testing and Surveys

Statistical significance in A/B testing helps you figure out if the changes you’re testing—like a new button or headline—are actually making a difference or if the results are just random. A 95% significance level means you can be 95% sure that any changes you see aren’t just luck. This gives businesses confidence that improvements in things like conversion rates or engagement are happening because of the test, not by chance.

How to calculate statistical significance

Every good experiment starts with a hypothesis, which is just an educated guess about what might happen. You also need a null hypothesis, which assumes that nothing will change, and an alternative hypothesis, which predicts that something will change. For example, if you’re testing a new button on your website, your hypothesis might be, “Adding this button will increase sign-ups.” In surveys, you might test different ad designs to see which one people like more.

To check if your results are real and not just random, statisticians use tools like z-scores (which test if there’s really no difference) and p-values (which show how strong the evidence is for your hypothesis). Another key decision is whether to use a one-sided test (which assumes your change will have a specific effect, like increasing sales) or a two-sided test (which checks if it could have either a positive or negative impact). Luckily, you don’t have to do all this math yourself—there are online calculators and tools that can quickly tell you if your test results are meaningful or just a fluke!