Wireframe testing

Test sketches, wireframes and mockups

Validate your design ideas before getting to pixel perfection.

Wireframe testing

Test sketches, wireframes and mockups

Validate your design ideas before getting to pixel perfection.

Wireframe testing

Test sketches, wireframes and mockups

Validate your design ideas before getting to pixel perfection.

Wireframe testing

Test sketches, wireframes and mockups

Validate your design ideas before getting to pixel perfection.

Get feedback on early sketches and designs

Whether you're sketching on paper or mocking up higher fidelity ideas in Figma, Ballpark makes it easy to add your ideas as part of questions or tasks.

Get feedback on early sketches and designs
Paste the Figma link to your wireframes, mockups or prototypes

Paste the Figma link to your wireframes, mockups or prototypes

Just grab the prototype link from Figma and add it to your test.

Once you pick your goal, Ballpark will start tracking participants and report on heatmaps and areas of engagement, drop off rates and conversion.

Validate flows by setting goals and measuring conversion

Gain deeper insights on the usability of your early-stage designs by setting goals and tracking which participants converted.

Quickly see which participants ran into problems and iterate faster than ever before.

Validate flows by setting goals and measuring conversion
Video replays allow you to see exactly how users interact with your designs


Video replays allow you to see exactly how users interact with your designs

Want to see exactly how participants used your prototype and reacted to your sketches, mockups and early prototypes?

Ballpark gives you the choice of recording the participant's screen, front-facing camera and microphone to give you rich feedback on the good and bad.

There nothing for your participant's to download and install either.

Easily see which design concepts work best

We create a summary of stats and insights for every test, meaning you can see in real-time how your questions and tasks are performing.

Easily see which design concepts work best
Recruit your target market in a few clicks

Recruit your target market in a few clicks

Our panel provides a valuable resource, offering access to a diverse global network of over 98,000 individuals.

That includes over 200+ detailed attributes, enabling precise targeting and feedback from relevant demographics.