The basics
Date template
A simple way to collect dates in your research
The basics
Date template
A simple way to collect dates in your research
Created by
Ballpark is the fastest way to capture high-quality feedback on questions, marketing copy, designs and prototypes using task driven questions.

The basics
Whether it’s asking a participant’s date of birth or the date they did an action, our date step ensures the data entered is consistent so you’re receiving reliable insights.
3 great ways to use our date template
Gather the date of birth of the participant
Ask what day someone visited your site
Determine when someone bought your product
Need help?
Date template FAQ
How do I get a list of all the data gathered from my survey or test?
How do I get a list of all the data gathered from my survey or test?
What other formats of data can I collect?
What other formats of data can I collect?